Watching and Waiting Opening Windows into Prayer in Advent

This year, the Southern Ryedale Deanery are running a Deanery Advent
course at St Mary’s, Old Malton, YO17 7HB. The theme of the course is
‘prayer’, and it will be led by Mrs Sue Robertson, an experienced Spiritual
The course will be on Saturday mornings— December 2nd, 9th,
16th and 23rd from 10 am to 11:30am (except on December 2nd
when we will begin at 11:30am) and Wednesday afternoons—
November 29th and December 6th, 13th and 20th, from 1:30 pm
to 3pm.
- Week 1 Praying in Stillness and Silence .
- Week 2. praying with the Bible , Lectio Divina.
- Week 3. Praying with the Bible , Imaginative Contemplation.
- Week 4. Praying with our five senses, including Icons and images.
No need to prebook and no fee to pay!
Each weekly session stands alone so please come to them all or as many as you are able to.
Refreshments will be served before each meeting.
Deanery Advent Course 2023