This Sunday we celebrate the Presentation of Christ in the temple also know as Candlemas. Join us for a service of the word and follow the service with a downloadable service sheet. Collect:Lord Jesus Christ,light of the nations and glory
Third Sunday of Epiphany – 24 January 2021
Follow this week’s service with our downloadable service sheet. Collect: Almighty God,whose Son revealed in signs and miraclesthe wonder of your saving presence:renew your people with your heavenly grace,and in all our weaknesssustain us by your mighty power;through Jesus Christ
Second Sunday of Epiphany – 17th January 2021
Follow this week’s online service with our downloadable service sheet. Collect:Almighty God,in Christ you make all things new:transform the poverty of our nature by the riches of your grace,and in the renewal of our livesmake known your heavenly glory;through Jesus
10th January 2021 – Epiphany 1
Our service this Sunday comes from the Rectory office. Join us for a short service of the word, and follow the service through the downloadable service sheet. Collect Heavenly Father,at the Jordan you revealed Jesus as your Son:may we recognize
Epiphany – 3 January 2021
This week’s 9 am Eucharist from St Helen’s Amotherby is now available. You can follow the service using the service book and the reading sheet. Collect of the DayO God,who by the leading of a starmanifested your only Son to